May 2021 Launch - Fortune Reading Crushes E P C
May 2021 Launch - Fortune Reading Crushes E P C - Do you feel lucky
I’m sure you’ve been asked this question before, but please take a moment and ask yourself if you feel as though you are blessed with good luck…
- Maybe you’ve won a large sum in a drawing, or scratch off ticket.
- Maybe you encountered a dangerous situation but managed to walk away unscathed… like a car accident, or a mugging.
- Maybe you were born with incredible genes and a vibrant personality
- Maybe you had it easy in relationships and been chased by beautiful people all your life… or you are in a perfect marriage right now.
- Maybe you landed a high paying job without trying hard at all, or you were born into a fortune…
All these are examples of a person that would excitedly shout out “YES! I am definitely blessed with good luck…”
But the reality is, most people I’ve asked this question to respond with a resounding NO!
Their life to this point has not felt very lucky at all…
- Instead of an amazing relationship with your soulmate, they’ve found themselves in relationships of control, jealousy and fighting
- Instead of winning large sums of money, or being born rich… they’ve struggled their entire lives to pay the bills and make a living
- Instead of perfect genes, they’ve been hit with health disorders… less attractive features… or many other insecurities
- Instead of barely avoiding that scary car accident… they got t-boned and their car was totalled leaving them injured and in financial straits
The truth is, only a small percentage of people are TRULY LUCKY!
One way or another, a majority of us just haven’t had an easy life at all!
And yet, we’d still like to BELIEVE that our hopes and dreams are possible… and can still come true...
As humans we are hardwired with optimism… because no matter how bad things get in our lives, we stick around hoping that one day soon it will all turn around
Well my dear, today actually IS your LUCKY DAY!…Because in a few moments, I’ll show you a remarkable discovery I made after the darkest moment of my life…
A discovery that helped me go from nearly homeless, jobless, relationship-less, penniless and sickly…
To a well respected leader of an industry, with enough money to live comfortably, a beautiful wife that is a perfect personality match, and 2 amazing children that one day will be incredible leaders themselves.
Back in 2009, I didn’t believe any of this was possible for me. Read More....
is actually NOT a coincidence at all
And that the reason some people have astonishing luck while most others do not is because of deeply hidden secrets in our universe…
Secrets that once were common knowledge… used by the most powerful kings and queens ruling vast empires
Secrets that ANYONE, and especially you dear one, can access today and every day into the future to give yourself an unfair advantage over everyone else…
Imagine for a moment having the ability to know in advance precisely when opportunities were about to show up in your life…
Imagine knowing that you could...
• Meet your soulmate...
• Land your dream job…
• Avoid a car accident…
• Invest at the perfect time…
How would this newfound gift change your life today?
Picture how different your life would look right now, if you suddenly became a very lucky person!
How would that make you feel…
Excited? Grateful? Unstoppable?
How would your closest friends and family start looking at you…
With shock… envy,,, maybe hope you’ll share this gift with them too?
In just a moment, as you continue watching this eye opening presentation and reading every word of the secrets I’m about to share with you
You’ll soon discover that “luck” is actually not really about luck at all… but instead harmonizing with the underlying LAWS of the universe So you can interpret messages the Creator is sending every second of every day.
Now before you start saying this is too good to be true, ask yourself…
Have you ever felt an urge, or strange feeling about something before it actually happened?
Almost all of us have had experiences like these in our lifetime, and for some they’ve happened quite frequently
Maybe it was a feeling that someone you knew would call you, out of the blue…
Or that an accident was about to occur on the road…
Maybe you just knew that today was going to be an amazing day the moment you hopped out of bed… and sure enough incredible things happened!
If you had the ability to feel these things BEFORE they actually happened then…
Is it actually so hard to believe that, by understanding this remarkable secret in the universe you could start doing this more often?
And use it to radically change your life, for the better…
You are about to discover a remarkable superpower that can be used to decipher messages from the universe to dramatically change your luck and fortune…
It’s simple to use and anyone can do it,
And how the illusion of TIME AND SPACE appear real when they actually are not.
everything is happening at the same time and even though time seems real, it isn't.
This is how the oracles were able to see through time.”
And in the past few months of practicing this on myself I exclaimed… it’s making me feel like the luckiest person on earth
Steve asked if he could take home some of the formulas to study them a bit closer and I gladly agreed.
He was skeptical about all this, especially coming from a math and science background.
But the very next day my phone rang and it was Steve
Wow! This stuff is amazing I really wasn’t sure what to think at first but after carefully reviewing these formulas
It’s obvious they are some of the most brilliant works I’ve ever seen…
These oracles were truly amazing, I can’t believe no one knows about this stuff
I then told Steve about my idea of turning this into some sort of program that could be shared with others
Something simple that was easy to use and gave access to all these formulas and readings
So others could start harnessing this amazingly powerful knowledge to become lucky in their life, too
He replied that he didn't have enough programming knowledge to create something by himself, but he knew someone who could help
And that together they could try to incorporate the formulas into a software program in such a way that would connect directly with the quantum field.
All living beings, all natural phenomenon, and all material objects...
And that by connecting with the source field, we connect with the energy of the universe that is beyond time and space.He said that the word sorcerer was derived from this, and means one who can connect directly with source.
Steve was so excited he began working that week with his friend david to create the first version of the software
It ended up taking them two whole years to create it and work out all of the bugs.
But... When they finally did, the results were mind-blowing!
You don't need to know the formulas they used.
You don't even see them. They run in the background of the software.
So all you have to do is enter your birthdate and push a button to get your reading delivered straight from the quantum field!
The astonishingly accurate readings you will receive will almost certainly increase the amount of...
Love, vibrant health, and material abundance pouring into your life right now.
And that’s why this fortune reading software is different than any other tool in existence...
The highly complex quantum equations incorporated into the software are nearly impossible to describe and fully understand
Even my quantum physicist brother will admit that he even needed to seek out help in solving some of the equations while designing this software
But the hard part is done...
Your fortune-reading results are super easy for you to decipher and leverage.
You will only need to enter your birthday and click one button and your personalized reading will be delivered in mere seconds,
Created specifically for you and you alone!
It's that easy.
And in a moment, I'm going to share unlimited full access of this revolutionary fortune reading software with you
So that you too can...
Acquire the ability to see into your own future like a master oracle
Showing you exactly when and where to make changes in your life...
To go from a life of struggle, hardship, and unpredictability…
To a life filled with vibrant health, abundant wealth, endless gratitude, and a deeply fulfilling love life
All flowing into your life like a mighty unstoppable river
Where you have the possibility to avoid potential tragedies and events with devastating consequences…
Now I bet you're beginning to wonder how much you'll need to invest to have immediate access to this life-transforming reading software...
When you calculate that per day, it comes out to just 30 cents a day per person!
That’s less than a cup of coffee at starbucks
I mean seriously, this has to be worth a cup of coffee a day for you doesn’t it… if it can help you even in just one important area
Now all you have to do is reach out and grab it.
And to make it even easier for you to grab it right now, I’m offering a very select group of people
A limited invitation to try this out and create unlimited readings for the next three days...
For just $1!
Look, this is something I’ve never done before so if you are seeing this available and you are in financial straits I strongly urge you to take action right away!
But that’s not all… I want to take all the risk and ensure this is a simple decision for you