Indian Man bought NFT for Rs 520 Crore - Download for free - Vignesh Sundarsan, an Indian Cryptocurrency Entrepreneur, says that he would be happy if anyone could buy the NFT he bought for Rs 520 crore.
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An Indian Cryptocurrency Entrepreneur has bought the popular NFT (Non-fungible token) for Rs. 520 crores. Vignesh Sundaresan says he is happy that anyone can download their purchased NFT for free. Vignesh Sundaresan, also known as MetaKovan.
According to a Bloomberg report, Vignesh has bought an NFT known as Beeple (Everydays: the First 5000 Days). Actually this NFT is a lot of pictures. Vignesh said that the beauty of NFT is that every man enjoys it. There is a lot of talk about Vignesh buying Beeple NFT at a very high price.
Tell me, earlier this year, a digital file of this picture of American artist Beeple was sold. This photo is actually a digital collage of different photos. The collage was auctioned off by the British auction company Christie's. The collage was made available online for about two weeks for auction.
7 crores earned in 9 months from NFT
Tell me, recently Delhi based artist Armat Pal Singh had earned 7 crore 42 lakh rupees ($ 1 million) in about 9 months. Amrit, 32, made his first NFT in February. Amrit has been working as a designer and illustrator for 9 years. Amrit's friend had advised him to make and sell NFT of art. Then their NFT bids started coming. Amrit has done many things like Malala Yousafzai, Steve Jobs Like creating cartoons and 3-D portraits of many people. Amrit says that he mostly made portraits of the people who inspired him. Each NFT cost differently.
12 year old created NFT
Not only that, Benjamin Ahmed, a 12-year-old living in London, created an NFT (nonfungible token) that made 37 million in just a few minutes. During this summer, Benjamin launched two NFT projects, including Weird Whales, earning 400,000 (about Rs. 2.98 crore) in just two months. Meanwhile, Benjamin Ahmed teamed up with the developers of Boring Banana Company to create an NFT collection of 8,888 comic book characters.The collection launched on September 18 and sold out in just 12 minutes. According to crypto data platform Dune Analytics, it has so far raised dollar 5 million (370 million.